Monday, August 29, 2011

Get to Know Our Need Greaters- Alexander & Michelle

As promised, this is the first of many interviews with the friends serving here.  Enjoy!

Alexander & Michelle

Where are you from?
Somos Canadiense y Estadounidense. (Or, in English, Alexander is from Canada and Michelle is from the United States.)

Why did you choose to be a need greater?
Simply because we wanted to serve Jehovah the best that we could, and we had the circumstances to do it. Ever since I was a child I wanted to be a missionary and serving where the need was greater just seemed like a definite right step towards that goal!

Why Nicaragua?
Alexander:   Originally I wanted to move further north in Canada and help where there is a need there, but a friend of mine invited me to go with him to Nicaragua to see if we would like to go back and serve there longer in the future. We went, and as soon as we went back to Canada I knew that I had to go back and serve in Nicaragua – there was just a great need!
Michelle:     I had served in another place before, and there was a need but it wasn’t as physically challenging as Nicaragua. I wanted to serve Jehovah with everything I had, including my physical abilities that I have in my youth.

Have you served anywhere else?
Alexander: In Canada I served in Grande Prairie, Alberta. I have also worked seldom worked territory several times in Alberta and the Northwest Territories, plus helped on dozen of Kingdom Hall construction projects across Canada and even one in Nicaragua – which was where I happened to first meet Michelle!
Michelle:  Crescent City, Florida; Mazatlan Mexico, and some unassigned territory in Kentucky!

How long are you here for?
Life! We will continue to leave the matter in Jehovah’s hands, but currently we can afford to live here for several years more, and we have no plans or reasons to go back home. Granada is home now.

How did you prepare to come?
In order to move here permanently we both had to sell our vehicles, quit our jobs, and get rid of unnecessary material things. Within the time it took to make all the preparations to move here we were dating, and then engaged, and then we got married. Our focus was on serving where the need was greater and not so much on our wedding day. Thus we kept our wedding very small and simple. This enabled us to have our special day without all the complications and debt that many people experience. As a result Jehovah blessed our efforts and we were able to successfully save enough to move here and share our life of serving where the need is greater together!

Were you worried about anything before coming?
Alexander:  Bring it on I say! Well, I was a little worried about learning Spanish. However that isn’t much of a concern serving in the Granada English Congregation, and the Spanish slowly coming along quite well.
Michelle:    I was worried about safety, people always make comments about 3rd world countries being extremely dangerous right?  Not any more dangerous than where I came from in the states.  I was also worried about leaving my family.  Many times I asked myself ‘is this really the right thing to do?’ My mother told me ‘there will be plenty of time for that later’.  What did she mean?  Think farsighted, not shortsighted.  This is the biggest campaign to never again be repeated, and we will live forever in paradise with our families.  Now is the time to preach!

Have you had to overcome any challenges to get here or while serving here?
We arrived here after being married for less than a month, so moving to a foreign land and adapting to married life has been somewhat of a challenge. However, serving Jehovah with your best friend is a true blessing. We’ve also had to learn balance and good organization since we are so busy with Bible studies and the congregation. However Jehovah has blessed us very much for all our hard work! (See next question!)

Do you have any highlights or good experiences from being here?
We met each other here, so that is a big highlight! Seeing Bible students come to the meeting for the first time and seeing how much we encourage our family and friends back home is great. We received a letter from my aunt’s study back in Florida saying how much she appreciates the work that we do and how impressed she is that we would move here to do it full time in a foreign land. How encouraging! Alexander just had a Bible study join the Theocratic Ministry School, and he has his first talk in a few weeks!

How has being here brought you closer to Jehovah?
We are fully relying on Jehovah now since we are not working secularly. It has been very faith strengthening to see how Jehovah has provided us the means to serve him here. Since we are talking to people about the Bible all the time it has really impressed even deeper into our minds that this is the truth, and that this is the best work we can be doing!

What do you do in your free time?
We like to sit around the campfire with our brothers and sisters, sharing experiences and getting to know each other better while we cook hotdogs and roast corn. Lately we’ve also enjoyed doing a little yard work and gardening, and sometimes watching an episode or two of old black and white TV shows together. Stovetop popcorn is the best!

What advice do you have for others thinking of coming?
What are you waiting for? Do it! Seriously pray to Jehovah about your desire to serve where the need is greater and ask him to bless your desire. Don’t make excuses – there are people from all over the world of all different ages and different circumstances all here serving where the need is greater. Don’t get caught up in the shortsighted dreams of this world – see farsightedly that this really is the best thing you can do with your life and that you can do it. Act along with your prayers by doing some research about where you want to serve. Talk to people who’ve done it, and I’m sure that they would be more than happy to help you get right at home here. You can do it!

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Nice Piggy!

Every now and then I'll see something really random and have to take a picture.  This is one of those times.  I was sitting on the corner waiting for my next door when I saw this man, walking his pig early in the morning.  He stood there patiently while the pig ate grass, looked around, ate some more grass, rolled in the mud, and then you will NEVER believe what he did!  He ate some more grass.  All the while, the man just stood there staring up and down the street, patiently waiting for his pig.  He was very excited when I asked if I could take his picture.  The other two friends I was with started a study at their door so I literally sat there under a tree for 30 minutes watching this very patient man and his pig.  Ok, that's my story for the day.  Just thought I'd share :-)

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Get to Know Our Need Greaters

Hey everyone!  We have some really cool people come down and visit us for a few days, weeks, months and sometimes permanently.  They come from all countries and circumstances and are always encouraging.  So, I'm going to start interviewing our congregation as well as those who come and help for a little while so that you can see that there is no such thing as a "typical" need greater.  If you have any questions you would like to ask or things you are curious about, leave me a comment and I'll be sure to include that in my questions to everyone!  I hope to hear from you soon!


Sunday, August 21, 2011

Giant Spider

Why?  Why did my great day have to end like this?  Ok, I'm being a little dramatic right now but I'm still a little freaked out.  We had a wonderful meeting, and I had a good time in the ministry afterwards.  I came home and had a yummy dinner and decided to lay here and watch some TV.  Just as I was starting to drift off to sleep, something caught my eye.  I took a double take and there it was.  This HUGE spider coming in from the crack around the roof scurrying down the wall above the TV.  Now, I have all kinds of geckos, spiders ants, mice etc in my room all the time but when they get to a certain size, I start to get a little nervous.  I actually have one of this same type of spider in my shower now but he sits there and doesn't bother me so I don't bother him.  But this one......oh this one!  It was the size of my hand and moving waaay too fast for my liking.  I just stared at it for a bit as it darted back and forth looking for a suitable spot to perch.  Then, I finally realized I needed to put shoes on and go find bug spray.  The whole time I kept my eyes on it just in case it spotted me and decided to leap from the wall and attack me to wrestle the bug spray out of my hand!  By the time I got to the door, he decided he was bored of my room and exited back out of the roof.  I'm all about living in harmony with nature and all, but I can't live with that.  I sprayed poison all along the roof inside and out as the dog watched in wonderment as I poked around with my flashlight outside.  So now, I'm wide awake again..staring at the spot he came in through and choking on the fumes of all the bug spray.  Rather than try to read or relax again what have I been doing? Searching the internet to find out what in the world kind of spider that was!  Sidebar-there are alot of really weird people in the world who are obsessed with spiders and have all kinds of websites dedicated to them.  Really strange.  I finally found a picture of it.  Again, I've seen different sizes of it but never this big.  I've had taranchulas in my room but at least they are still and sedentary not running all around.  Forgive me for rambling, still a little nervous...ok so here is a picture I found.  Apparently it is a huntsman spider.    Yep, I'm gonna sleep REAL well tonight :-(

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Relaxing in La Boquita

Several of us decided to take a road trip to the beach to celebrate becoming a congregation and to take a very necessary break.  We ventured 1 1/2 hours to the city of La Boquita, on the Pacific Ocean.  We had a great time. 
There were so many of us squeezed into the back of the pickup truck that we could barely move!

This restaurant let us sit in their hammocks for the day since the beach was empty (we went on a Thursday).
Getting settled

Boy riding along the beach to see if anyone wanted a horse ride for a dollar.

People working along the beach.

Lady selling fish

Michelle getting some good reading in.

There is always a card game somewhere!

Nazareth hanging out

Man bringing kids home from school.

Lady selling plantains to the restaurant for our lunch.

Seafood caught just a few hours before.  This plate combined with the one below cost only a few dollars.

Fish with garlic sauce.  This would have grossed me out/scared me half to death 8 months ago but now I consider it good eatin!
Ready for that horseback ride?

Brother Newbon and his bible study go for a walk.

The Newbon guys

Me, not so gracefully getting on the horse.  Actually, I was so worried about falling off, the guy just pushed me on.

Everybody else just rode off into the sunset but I wanted him to hold the horse the whole time and only walk. Hey, I did well to get on at all ok!

A little more relaxed....just a little.
Yea, I did it!

Now this is funny...See the brother on the far left, smelling his hand?  He decided to take the horse I originally wanted.  When he got on, the horse just took off across the beach.  I don't know how he got it to stop!  Once we got to him, he was still trying to get the horse to calm down a bit.  Once it quieted down, it walked closely behind another horse, rubbing the brother's knee under the tail.  He was left with a "chocolate" stain on his knee!  That's what he is smelling!  As soon as the ride was over, he ran straight into the ocean to wash off!  Poor Bob :-(

Little colt that followed her mama all around as we walked the beach.

A relaxing day indeed!

Friday, August 5, 2011

First Ever English Year's Text

Our brothers have been working tirelessly to construct a brand spanking new sign for our year's text.  We were all giddy when we arrived for service today to finally see it displayed! (tee hee hee!)

Monday, August 1, 2011

Costa Rica and Back

Most of have not gone through the process of getting our residency here in Nicaragua since it is not a requirement.  For that reason, every few months, we have to leave the country and then come back in so that we are not continually staying.  Lately, we've decided to make a road trip out of it.  We ride down 2 hours or so to Costa Rica, kill a little time and come on back.  Here's a a couple of photos from the trip a few days ago.

Crossing the boarder!

Killing time playing golf

Crossing back we looked around the duty free store.  Ah, Glee does love those shoes!

Stopping for a bite to eat before the journey back.