Sunday, January 30, 2011

Boo Hoo Hoo For Me

Ok, I realize I am a Murphy but "Murphy's Law" (Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong.)  has truly been following me here in the area of health.  At home, I get a cold  once a year, if that.  I've been here for four months now and I've been sick almost every week!  Colds, stomach flu, throat infection etc--every other week!  On the weeks I'm not sick, I suffer from extreme fatigue and exhaustion.  I finally realized I have to get really agressive with my health or else I won't be here much longer.  I spoke with the friends here about the severity of my health problems (unfortunately I'm not always open about not feeling well so no one really knew how bad it was :-( )  They have kicked into high gear my requests for tons of fruits, veggies and eliminating alot of the white bread and other things I was eating.  It's been about a week and a half and I can really feel the difference, whew!  Unfortunately, in my quest to try and get more energy a few weeks ago before I changed my diet, I went to the gym.  I got a little over zealous with the weights, thinking I was She-Ra or somebody.  I picked up a weight that was too heavy to do dead lifts in bad form and as I was doing them, I knew something was very wrong.  Did I stop?  Of course not.  Hey don't judge!  I've said I'm working on modesty and knowing my limits!  Anywho, I pulled a muscle in my back.  Again, I said nothing as I was still able to get around.  I thought it was feeling a little better until I wore heels two days ago.  I guess that made my back tighten more and good googly moogly did I regret that!  Later that night, I was totally unable to move and thought for sure my next post would be about the Nicaraguan ER!  Fortunately, I got some ice on it which has gotten me back moving although apparently not very well.   As I walked through the market today thinking I was doing a good job of seeming ok, a lady at a booth called out to me, "Hey you! Yeah you, American!  You need medicine?  I got lots of medicine!  You NEED some medicine!!"  I couldn't help but laugh.  I'm going to keep on with the ice and heat also to see if that eventually helps.  If not, I guess I'll try a massage or accupuncture like some people here are recommending.  Any suggestions on what to do for a pulled back muscle??   So now to the point of this post!  As I was laying in bed incapacitated yesterday feeling sorry for myself *smile* I decided to try to find other need greater blogs to encourage myself.  I found a really cute video called "Bad Day" that made me feel better.  Thanks Zach at Gravy Train for letting me post it!  Here is the link:  I hope everyone at home is well!

I feel weird not putting at least one picture on this post so here is a random picture I took today.  (See mom and dad-- I'm ok, really!!!!)


  1. Hola Kim. Espero que estas mejorando. Your body just needs to adapt to the germs etc that spead in a new country. Pretty soon you'll be immune to it and in good shape. I hope the change in diet will help.

  2. I can't believe I stumbled onto your blog looking for something else. Random! Anyways Hope by the time I get home you'll be better. Miss you all like crazy and love the update. Love the background on your blog I'm going to look into updating my own. I'll be back March 7th. See you soon.

  3. Hi I am Stephanie serving in Bolivia with my husband. That video was done by a brother in our hall in Knoxville, TN. The guy at the red door/ brick house is my husband and the golden retriever was my dog, Max. :) It is crazy how things travel around. I love reading your blog I am very impressed by the fact that you are single sister doing your thing. May Jehovah bless your efforts.
