Saturday, January 15, 2011

You're serving what for dinner??

In a previous post, I showed a woman curing beef on our clothes line.  Now I understand why.  It was for a dish called Baho.  The problem is, when it's pronounced here, it sounds like "bowel."  I couldn't understand why everyone was so excited to have "bowel" for dinner.  The grandma in our house was proud to say that no one can duplicate her method.  Below are two pictures of her before it cooked for three hours on our woodburning stove out back.  I must say, it was one of the best dishes I've had since I've been here!

This picture is from another day.  Violeta is determined to get me dinner at 6PM no matter what.  On this particular day, we had a citywide power outage.  She went and put on a "miners lamp" and kept right on cooking.  It was pitch black in the kitchen when I took this.  My flash just made it look like the lights were on!  (Eliam is also shining his flashlight to help.)

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