Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Memorial Season!!

This is THE most important time of the year!  The time when we commemorate the single greatest act of love ever shown- Christ dying for us.  The memorial of Christ's death was recognized on April 17th this year.  I got back to Granada right as the memorial campaign began.  Lots of wonderful things have been happening in Granada since I've been gone--studies are up, we have a few more permanent brothers here.  I am so excited to be back.  When I went to sleep my first night back, I fell asleep with a huge smile on my face anxious to start letting people know about the upcoming commemoration.  I was not the only one excited.  For the duration of the campaign we were all in a ridiculously good mood!  We all decided to give up our normal rest day during the week to get as much territory done as possible.  This is the hottest time of year in Granada with temperatures well over 100 degrees everyday.  We worked all day breaking only for lunch and continued until the sun set.  We were tired and sore but even more excited at the end of each day!  About half way through, the brothers realized that we had a chance of doing something that had never been accomplished- covering all of our territory (the entire city of Granada).  Spurred on by the challenge (and the promise of ice cream!) we pushed and succeeded in giving English invitations to the entire city.  I've never worked so hard or been so happy during a memorial campaign!
We had another first this year...a sound truck.  We got permission to sit at a local park and distribute invitations and truth tracts while a recording boomed in the background, like the olden days!  We got an immediate response.  Even people in shops several streets over heard the recording inviting everyone to the memorial.  On the days we where not out, people wanted to know why we weren't giving "life's waters free."  An excellent witness was given and I don't think a single English speaker in the city could say they were unaware of the memorial commemoration!  For more on Jehovah's Witnesses increased activity this month click here.

 Witnessing at the park
We got a flat tire one afternoon from carrying so many people in the truck but, Bob fixed it in 5 minutes and we kept right on going till the sun went down!

 Man reading his invitation
Hey!  Do you speak English??!!

The night of the memorial we had almost 70 people in attendance.  Jehovah blessed our efforts!

 I woke up with knots in my stomach thinking of what happened on this day so many years ago.  But, as the evening drew closer I couldn't help but smile at the thought of all of our brothers and sisters earthwide who would be gathering to show their appreciation for such an incredible sacrifice.  Thanks to everyone around the world who sent me messages that morning.  Our thoughts were with you all too! 
First study to arrive.  Well actually, that's not totally true.  We met to go into the ministry at 8:00AM the day of the memorial and when we arrived, there was a bible study there.  He though the commemoration service was at 7:00 AM instead of 7:00 PM.  He arrived at 6:30 AM and was still anxiously waiting when we arrived at 8:00AM.  He was all smiles when he realized the mixup and promised to come back.  Sure enough, he was back at 6:30 PM still excited!  

We all arrived an hour or more early filled with excitement.

 Sister Dexter
 The hall we rented

Shelina and I.  Shelina is with the sign language group who met before us.  Two of the sisters I live with made the dress I'm wearing based on a picture I showed them. 

 Two of the people I invited
 More studies
 Alexander and Michelle
The brothers-relaxed after the meeting

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