Monday, July 4, 2011

City of Leon

My friend Edith and I took a day trip to the nearby city of Leon earlier this month.  It's only a couple of hours from Granada by bus.  It actually looks a lot like Granada.  Unfortunately, I took most of these pictures in the car on the way to the bus station as we were leaving but hopefully you will get a feel for what the city is like.  There is an English group serving there as well.

I miss you Edith!  She just moved to Europe to get married!

Fresh off the bus and ready to explore.

Man toting a heavy load

Yum-o tacos before heading to the beach.  I probably should have passed on all the onions lol.

Edith and I took advantage of the all day breakfast while the others swam.

I got eggs with veggies, toast and gallo pinto (beans and rice)

Headed out to eat dinner

Mmm Fritanga!  Present in almost every Nicaraguan city I've been to.  They grill the meat outside then give you gallo pinto, fried plantains, and vinegar based slaw on top of a bananna leaf.

This couple had just arrived from Australia.  She was excited to have her first taste of gallo pinto.

We took a walk to the center of town in the evening and came upon this large church.

Some of the friends got frozen ice treats.  I passed, having sudden visions of parasites!

I'm not really sure what flavor that is....

Kids playing night stick ball 

Girls were playing kickball in front of the church as well.  Off to the side were kids practicing their bike tricks.

The morning we left, Miguel and Michelle sang for us.  They are so talented!

Ok, here is where I started snapping pictures frantically out of the car window.  This is a pulperia, or corner store

Ladies selling fruit and veggies

Gift shop

Produce cart

Books for sale

There are lots of murals in Leon

squee-gee guy

Another large church.  I like the architecture.

Movie theater

CDs and DVDs for sale (bootlegs are legal here)

Eyeglass store

Man selling newspapers

Man selling politcal flags and sports decals



Another corner store

Man-powered taxi.  I think it costs the same as the car taxi so I'm not sure why people take this kind other than to support the man pedaling.

Back at the bus station

I guess they opted not to take the bus!

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