Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Beet It!

Hey there!  Long time no post!  Things started getting good with the interviews and then I just disappeared!  Just to let you know, I'm waiting on some more responses to the interview questions.  Everyone is either super busy or super shy.  I hope to have some soon.  In the meantime, I am actually in the States right now working.  Some of you wonder how we support ourselves.  Well, at the moment, I am in the midwest (never been here before) to work the sugar beet harvest.  Yup....sugar beets.  I'm on a night shift starting at midnight working 7 days per week so needless to say, I don't have alot of time to blog.  Once I get a break, I'll try to post some more and give some details on how Jehovah blessed me with this job and all the great friends I've met here. 

Nica Chica ;-)