Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Beet It!

Hey there!  Long time no post!  Things started getting good with the interviews and then I just disappeared!  Just to let you know, I'm waiting on some more responses to the interview questions.  Everyone is either super busy or super shy.  I hope to have some soon.  In the meantime, I am actually in the States right now working.  Some of you wonder how we support ourselves.  Well, at the moment, I am in the midwest (never been here before) to work the sugar beet harvest.  Yup....sugar beets.  I'm on a night shift starting at midnight working 7 days per week so needless to say, I don't have alot of time to blog.  Once I get a break, I'll try to post some more and give some details on how Jehovah blessed me with this job and all the great friends I've met here. 

Nica Chica ;-)

1 comment:

  1. Hi! Enjoyed reading your blog. I can't even remember how I found it, but I've been reading Nicaragua blogs lately! My husband and I visited for a month last year, and next month we're heading down there for a 3 month stay. We won't be too far away. The house we'll be staying in is about 10 minutes from the former branch. It's so encouraging to read other people's blogs. Makes me wish we were going longer than three months, but we may do so in the future! Would love to be in touch. We're in Indianapolis. I guess you're in the US at the moment. My email is and our blog is at
