Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Filthy McNasty on the Bus

You know how sometimes you see something so gross you just have to share it with someone?  Well, you are the fortunate person I'm sharing it with right now.  I just got off the bus coming home from a bible study.  Typical body to body pressed so tightly you can feel the person next to you breathing.  No big deal, I'm used to it.  I was  fortunate to have a seat this time though.  Or at least I thought  I was fortunate.  Right after I got on, more people crammed on to stand up for the ride.  As soon as we started moving everyone reached up to hold on to the bar to keep from falling.  I just so happened to glance up at the man standing over me to realize his armpit hair is staring at me.  It was so long he could have braided it!!!  The more I tried not to look, the more I couldn't help but stare in awe and disgust wondering if he was trying to get into the Guinness Book of World Records or something (do they still have that??!!).  I finally shifted in my seat and found myself face to face with a man using his peculiarly long nails to eat his boogers.  I didn't know what to do so I just stared at my lap for the rest of the ride, scared to even look up to see my stop.  I know that is absolutely horrible to write but I just had to get that off my chest.  OK, I feel a little better now knowing someone else is grossed out, too.  Thanks.  

In other news, the kitten has been adopted by my friend Klaudia who unbelievably is more of a cat person than I am!

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