Monday, February 6, 2012

Midnight Visitor

I have a habit of doing so much that by the time I come home, I end up falling asleep really early with all the lights on and the bed covered in whatever I was working on.  Last night I woke up around 1:00 AM and did my usually routine of clearing my laptop and everything off of the bed before going back to sleep.  Except this time, something caught my eye.  As I hooked up the laptop  I noticed a scorpion in my Tupperware dish!  Since I often wake up to unidentified bites and stings from the night before, I decided not assume he would just prance back out of my room before playing "peekaboo" under my covers.  So, after taking a few pictures for proof, I stood there half asleep trying to practice the word for "poison" and "scorpion" before going to wake the brother of the house to come and get it or at least give me bug spray.  I sort of got the words out and he came to see where it was.  He gave me the, "You woke me up at 1:30AM for THIS??!" look when he saw it was in the dish.  He casually put the top on and after tormenting me by threatening to throw it on me (really not funny at 1AM), he shook it outside and stepped on it.  Despite his casual demeanor, he admitted this morning that he had trouble going back to sleep since he was still thinking about it, too.  Bleh!

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