Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Spiders Are Evil

I try to live peaceably with the animals...even the creepy crawlies and this is how they repay my kindness??!  (You can already tell this is going to be a rant)

I got up the other morning refreshed and ready for a wonderful day.  I was all in a good mood from studying and taking time to cook a good breakfast.  The sun was shining and the birds were chirping a special song just for me.  I was making great time and everything.  Until, I go to get in the shower and there are two spiders.  I usually just manuever around spiders as long as they are relatively small.  Once they get to a certain size though, they've gotta go.  These two had just gotten the point where I couldn't do my "I've got my eye on you" routine and ignore them.  No worries, I still had plenty of time so I went to get the bug spray.  I returned and killed one.  The other one saw his buddy go down so he fled the scene.  He couldn't go far so I searched the shower, shook out the curtain, moved the trash can.  Nothing.  I repeated the search over and over but he was nowhere to be found. 5 minutes passed.  I thought he jumped on my neck at one point but it was just my braid on my neck.  10 minutes.  I stood there staring at the walls, the toilet, everything.  I tried to convince myself that since he was hidden so well, he would remain in his hideout until I got out of the shower; still, I waited.  15 minutes.  Now I'm running late.  I turn on the shower and stand there staring....convincing myself that it's going to be ok-he's long gone anyway.  I'm a little more relaxed now so I decide to go for it.  Cautiously, I stick one toe into the shower.  Instantly, that little joker comes running full speed at me flayling his little legs and yelling curses at me for killing his friend!  I know it was a set up because he wasn't running AWAY from me, he was running TOWARDS me!  I half fell, half ran backwards, grabbed the spray and he met his demise with a little spider smile on his face.  So much for starting the day off right :'-(.  

1 comment:

  1. LOL!! Hey again Kim. The spider story and reaction sounds very familiar. Very interesting taxi experiences also. Hope you got your voice back!
