Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Golden Girl

I had the coolest thing happen last night.  Right when I was falling asleep, I felt something crawling on my arm.  I went to aimlessly flailing my arm around to shake it off but it kept on crawling (I don't even open my eyes anymore to see what it is).  I finally looked down but all I saw was a fleck of gold paint from somewhere.  I kept looking for what I knew I could feel crawling.  As I squinted, I noticed the "paint" was slowly moving.  It was a golden ladybug!  I didn't even know that existed.  It looked like a tiny shiny gold earring.  I was so taken at how beautiful it was, I sat there watching it for quite sometime.  We have so much to experience and learn about of Jehovah's creation!  He's so creative and lends such daintiness and beauty to even the tiniest things!


  1. WOW!!!! That's the coolest ladybug I've ever seen!!

  2. Thank you so much for this great post! (They are all great, but this one got to me even more). After seeing this post I started doing research becuase I was so entralled by this little bug. I found a neat quote that really does highlight the intricate perfection that Jehovah shows us everyday! It's a Gold Tortise Beetle and the quote said "it has the power of changing its hues, at one time appearing only of a dull yellow color, and at other times shining with the splendor of polished brass or gold, tinged sometmes also with variable tints of pearl. The wing-covers, the parts wihch exhibit a change of color, are lined beneath with an orange colored paint, which seems to be filled with little vessels; and these are probably the source of the changeable brilliancy of the insect.”

  3. That is such and awesome quote!!! Thank you for sharing. I tried to figure out what it was last night but I couldn't find a good description online. Thank you so much :-)

  4. Thats a nice bug. Just be careful though, I'm not sure where u are, but a dangerous bug is the Chagas bug. They could be dangerous.

    1. I've been seeing posters up about that "chagas" bug. Good looking out!
