Friday, March 16, 2012

Let There Be Light!

Last week's ministry school and service meeting was one for the books.  We have intermittent power outages here however we've never had one during an English meeting.  Since it's just a way of life here, it's one of those things you just have to be prepared for.  I dropped a flashlight in my service bag when a sister who lives near me said her power was out.  Sure enough when I got to the Hall, the brothers had set all of the chairs up outside along with the podium since it was dark in the Hall.  The one brother who owns a truck, pulled it up along the fence and cranked up the Kingdom Melodies so we would at least be half way on key.  People walking by stared at us trying to figure why all these crazy gringos were sitting outside.  As the sun set, seeing became increasingly difficult.  Several of us had flashlights and the others read by the light of cell phones.  We yelled our comments as loudly as we could for a lack of a sound system.  Our study conductor did well getting everyone's hands.  Once it got too dark to really make each other out, we'd shine a light on whoever had their hand up.  A visiting brother got his jeep which had a row of lights on the top and shone those on us which helped.  About half way through the book study, the fumigation truck came by.  In order to keep mosquito borne diseases down, a truck goes down each street and periodically sprays a thick toxic mist.  Whenever people see this truck, they run from their houses and don't return until all of the fumes are gone.    All we had time to do was grab handkerchiefs to cover our faces and try to cover our heads.  Our reader never missed a beat.  Right as we were transitioning into the service meeting, the lights came on.  Thank goodness!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for this experience. Helps us not take our meetings for granted! Sara Hardy
