Monday, September 9, 2013

Foreign language here in Atlanta-Burmese

The call is out to help in foreign languages!  My old hall here has a Spanish and Amharic (Ethiopian) congregation.  There is also a "pre-group" for the many Burmese speaking people in our area.  They are from the country our year book was about this year-Burma/Myanmar.  I don't understand a word of the language but I love going to Burmese Bible studies with my friend because she is so well organized and puts so much love into preparing for her students!

Not sure what this is but they were very hospitable in giving us plenty of it :-).

Some of my friend's phonetically spelled teaching notes.

Tabs she uses to find the books of the Bible.

There are tons of different dialects so she uses tabs so that she can be even more efficient.  Because we have so many Burmese attending our English meeting, our Watchtower conductor always greets them in three different languages before he begins.  We just got our first Burmese unbaptized publisher also!

Two sisters conducting a Bible study.

Doing what I do best...distracting the kids with a video!


  1. Amazing!! Thanks for sharing this!

    I was reading the yearbook last week for a nice read before bed, and since I'm in the middle of trying to figure out which foreign language I'd like to help in, and where I'd like to go after graduation in May, I thought about Burmese. I didn't know we even had a need in the states. That's awesome. And Atlanta of all places. I'd really like to do Amharic, we have a pretty big population here in VA near DC. There's so much to decide.

    Thanks again for sharing this, will give me some extra things to think about. I can imagine the joy you all have on the studies :) Great job keeping the kids occupied. And your friend is VERY organized. That's a great idea.

    Tiera [sis from Richmond,VA]

    1. Tiera, there truely is no limit on ways we can serve Jehovah. Unassigned territory, Bethel, foreign language...the list goes on! Keep praying and searching. Can't wait to hear what you decide on!
      Nica Chica
