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Monday, September 23, 2013

I Do Windows

So.... I picked up a little extra money doing some house cleaning the last week or so for some of the friends.  A first for me.  And quite ironic I might add given that my room usually looks like a tornado went through it.  Another work in progress but least common areas are in order!  I was doing fine until I realized I'm really bad at windows!  I had to sneak away and call my mom for the secret to streak free windows.  Thanks for making me look like a pro, mom!

In other news, I just finished packing my bag to head to the midwest tomorrow for the beet harvest.  I was worried about whether I could handle it this year with my health.  But, Jehovah worked through my boss there to find me a "sit down" gig.  It's still on night shift (12 hours) but I'll get off at 9AM so I can meet the group at 9:30 for a couple of hours (in an ideal world at least!)  I think I've found the right combo of vitamins and my energy is great now.  I'm still getting lots of encouraging calls and texts from the friends and my students back in Nicaragua so that keeps my spirits high as well!

I'm gonna try to put up a few more long overdue posts if I manage to have wi-fi at the airport and bus station.

See ya!

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