Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Big Announcement!!!

Ok, so are you ready for the big news? No, I’m not engaged….I keep telling you all I’m only here for the ministry, lol.   I have finally made it to the Caribbean Coast of the country to serve for the next month and a half!  !  By the way, there are only two places here that have internet and it does not always work or we may not always have electricity.  So, please be patient as posts will probably be coming sporadically. 
This is where I originally wanted to serve at but I was advised by many people to start out somewhere easier as this is a very isolated and difficult area.  I must say, I’m loving it so far.  Here is a map of Nicaragua so you can see where I traveled from.
I took a bus from Granada to Managua (1 hour), a taxi from Managua to the bus station on the other side of town (30 min), one bus to Rama (8 hours) a bus from Rama to Kukra Hill (4 hours) and Kukra Hill to Pearl Lagoon (45 min) whew!  All of this cost about $10.  We could have flown but we opted to save money and have more of an adventure.

Next we headed to Kukra Hill.  As you can see, the bus was not exactly 1st class lol.  The road from Rama to Kukra Hill was completely unpaved and covered in large rocks.  Not a good idea if you have any pain or back problems as it is extremely bumpy.  I was really tired so I spent most of the trip trying to ball my pillow up and take a nap.  There was no way I could manage it.  Besides, I was sitting by the door which was open so I had to keep my balance so as not to fall out of my seat and into the road!  From Rama to Kukra Hill, the scenery is markedly different.  No more dry land, all lush greenery.  Very beautiful. Once we reached Kukra Hill, we planned to take the next bus out which was scheduled to leave an hour later.  It ended up having mechanical problems so we stayed with friends until the next bus left 4 hours later.  Again we were met with the hospitality indicative of Nicaragua.  We were greeted with hugs and kisses.  After going for a walk we returned to find that they had made us lunch (two free meals in one day, score!)  Then the brother got us some fresh coconuts for dessert.  The brother had been serving here as a special pioneer until he married last year.  He and his wife are now regular pioneers.  The congregation has less than 10 publishers but is doing quite well and even needs help in English now. 

Lunch- rice, beans, platano, spoon of cheese and a spoon of tuna

Fresh coconut water

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