Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Pig Feet Stew

This is my little brother, Eliam.  You’ve seen him in previous posts as he is a part of the family I live with.  Eliam is quite dramatic and a comedian.  On this day, I could barely keep from laughing as he kept giving me looks of misery because of what he had for lunch.  I dodged the bullet due to my new diet and had chicken and a salad but everyone else had pig feet stew with a boiled banana on the side.  Eliam silently voiced his disdain giving me looks with every bite he took!  Now I must say, they let me taste a little piece of the pig’s feet and it did taste ok but I opted to stick with the chicken  :-)
Another cool note about Eliam is that he is truly my shadow, in a good way.  I don’t have any younger siblings so now I get to see what it is like to have one.  He copies everything I do and watches me more than I realize.  He comes to the English meetings with me and even gives several comments in each meeting and takes notes at the public talk.  If he doesn’t feel that he has prepared well, he feels badly.  I am really impressed by his study skills though.  On our meeting day, I bring out all of my publications along with reference books and my laptop and spends hours on end reading and researching.  When I do my bible reading, I listen to it simultaneously from the website so that I can concentrate better.  Eliam has been watching this so now he does the same, trying to listen in Spanish and English.  He teases me sometimes about my reference bible because it is well worn.  But I was shocked a few weeks ago when he proudly sat next to me with his brand new reference bible.  And what’s more, he immediately borrowed my highlighters and pens to start taking notes in it so it would look like mine!  He makes big sis proud!

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