Get To Know Our Needgreaters-Darrell & Kerstin
Where are you from?
We are from Grand Prairie, Alberta, Canada-kind of northern Canada.
Why did you choose to be a need greater?
The highlights were the people we met. Many bro & sis’s stories touched our hearts. It was a beautiful privilege to work alongside them. The people we met in the territory were also amazing. It was so nice to be able to talk to people that wanted to learn about the Bible. Starting Bible studies was really special. It was wonderful seeing people happy and content even though materially they were poor.
Why did you choose to be a need greater?
It is a desire we have always had to serve where the need is great. We have worked seldom worked territory in northern, remote communities several times for a week at a time but this was our first really big experience.
Why Nicaragua?
Our son already lived in Nicaragua so it was an easy choice.
How long will you be here and how long have you served thus far?
We were in Granada for 2 ½ months.
Have you had to overcome any challenges to get here or while serving here?
We were worried about a few things; how would I deal with the third world conditions, how would we deal with the fact that we did not speak Spanish and being from northern Canada-would we be able to handle the heat. Our worries were soon put to rest; we adjusted to third world living better than we ever dreamed we would. A challenge was getting used to the constant noise; the firecrackers, the marching bands, the dogs barking, the loudspeakers going up and down the streets.
Do you have any highlights or good experiences from being here?
How has being here brought you closer to Jehovah?
Being in Granada really helped put life more in perspective, nothing matters but serving Jehovah the best we can. There were fewer distractions so we were able to be more focused. We appreciated seeing how our loving creator looks after our worldwide brotherhood. Being somewhere new made us rely on Jehovah more fully. We were not overwhelmed by Granada because we trusted in Jehovah. Seeing the different creation was also a blessing. Jehovah has provided such abundance everywhere. It was humbling not being able to speak the language and yet still try to reach people.
What do you do in your free time?
In our free time we explored! Volcanoes, the ocean, he markets, the islands…. On occasion we would enjoy a refreshing dip in one of the hotel pools. Surprisingly enough, there were some really good restaurants and coffee shops too.
How do you finance being a need greater?
Our work is somewhat seasonal so we worked hard all summer to be able to go for the three months. We have since returned home and are selling basically all our possessions to be able to hopefully return and stay longer and start our careers as regular pioneers.
What advice do you have for others thinking of coming?
Don’t delay-it could be the trip of a lifetime or the start of something new and amazing. Be open minded-not everything will be perfect…well realistically nothing will be perfect but it could be great! Jehovah’s worldwide organization truly has the love Jesus talked about…enjoy it wherever you are! If circumstances permit….let the adventures begin!
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